Pictured 2024 Youth Conference in Irvine, California

Our Mission Statement

Following the apostolic exhortation of St. Paul the Apostle, the mission of the Holy Church’s Youth Association is to mold our youth into the image of Christ by being in the world ‘but not of the world’: "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (Romans 12:2). The Assyrian Church of the East Youth Association's (ACEYA) ultimate goal is to instill in each and every one of our youth the desire to please the Lord in our faith, words, deeds and actions.

Our Vision Statement

A. To foster a sound knowledge and understanding of the holy Apostolic Tradition and the teachings of the Assyrian Church of the East and of the Holy Scriptures in the Youth of our Church.

B. To develop within the Youth the proper and necessary Christian life built upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God become Man for us, drawing them to the Holy Mother Church, to live their lives in a manner worthy of the Gospel, thus becoming Christ‐like individuals, the true light of the world and salt of the earth.

C. To encourage and enhance the consistent active role of each individual within the divers liturgical and non‐liturgical services of their parish, therefore serving the Body of Christ according to their vocation as baptized members of the one Body.

D. To provide opportunities where the youth leaders can initiate, coordinate and direct: religious, social, educational and humanitarian programs designed to foster our Christian faith and to teach the youth to practice teshmeshta (diakonia/ministry) of the Church and one another.

E. To encourage and enhance each individual to be a living testimony of the Christian life in conformity with the Sacred Scriptures, within their respective family, community and country.

F. To equip each individual to confess, uphold and defend their Christian faith according to the sacred doctrines and Apostolic Tradition of the holy Church, our mother and gatherer.

G. To encourage the youth to preserve our mother tongue, the Aramaic language which was spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ, and which allows for the purest and clearest reading of the Sacred Scriptures, and is integral to accessing the rich body of theological writings handed down by the Fathers of the Assyrian Church of the East, which comprise our particular identity and traditions.

What is the ACOE Youth Conference?

The ACOE Youth Conference is an annual event, each year held in a different state, that allows all Youth's from different Churches across the United States to join together. At conference, there are many different events such as Bible Study, Church history/etiquette, picnics, parties, and much more! All people can make friends with others from different states and from different Churches.

What are the requirements for attending the ACOE Youth Conference?

Each youth member MUST attend a minimum of 2 Fridays and 2 Sundays a month in order to be eligible to attend the Youth Conference. You must be a registered youth member! Non youth members are not allowed to attend conference. The age requirement to attend the Youth Conference is 13-30 years old. Fridays are for Bible Study and Sundays are for Holy Mass. (Attendance is taken every Friday and Sunday for all youth members). 

Where will the 2025 ACOE Youth Conference be held?

Toronto, Canada
Dates are TBD